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The benefits of Dynamic Neurofeedback ®

TEMOIGNAGES: "Suite à un bouleversement dans ma vie, je chute psychologiquement, crises de pleurs, plus d’envie, peurs, angoisses, insomnies. Je me renseigne longuement sur internet sur neurofeedback NeurOptimal® et je saute le pas. Je prends rdv avec une praticienne de Marseille (Agnieska), au bout de 10 séances, je doute, rien ne se passe pour moi, je vais persister jusqu’à 13 et là : déclic, je n’ai plus aucune angoisse, je me lève avec le sourire, bref le bien être , je vais enfoncer le clou jusqu’à 18 séances de façon à être vraiment rassurée. Aujourd’hui, je remercie grandement Agnieska qui m’aura accompagnée dans ma volonté de m’en sortir, je suis ravie." Isabelle (source :

  • Burnout / Depression :


During a depressive episode or a burnout, the brain presents a significant disruption of neuronal circuits: certain connections between inhibitory neurons and activators are weakened, and one has the impression of going in circles, of no longer moving forward, not to find any more solutions to get out of it.

Train your brain to help SOOTHE and CALM the mind.


It is not a MEDICAL TREATMENT for depression, but can be an effective crutch to lean on to relieve symptoms of depression.


" Following an upheaval in my life, I fall psychologically, crying attacks, no more desire, fears, anxieties, insomnia. I learn at length on the internet about NeurOptimal® neurofeedback and I take the plunge. I make an appointment with a practitioner from Marseille (Agnieska), after 10 sessions, I doubt, nothing happens for me, I will persist until 13 and there: click, I no longer have any anxiety, I get up with a smile, in short well-being, I am going to drive the point home for up to 18 sessions so as to be truly reassured. Today, I thank Agnieska very much who will have accompanied me in my desire to get out of this, I am delighted. "

Isabelle (source:


"In my case the result was spectacular from the first session, physically and mentally. My complexion was less gray, my dark circles less marked, my muscles less tense. The permanent anxiety and the total confusion in which I was immersed began. to move back. "

NeurOptimal® user on depression




  • Insomnia :  

Do you have difficulty falling asleep, light and irregular sleep, nocturnal awakenings, difficulty falling asleep again, inability to sleep for more than 3 or 4 hours, nightmares and dark thoughts? This is what insomnia looks like!


Insomnia is generally linked to more or less severe psychological disorders, such as stress, anxiety and depression. When episodes of insomnia repeat themselves day after day, those affected worry about a bad night's sleep. This fear of insomnia can distress the insomniac and make it even more difficult for him to sleep, which then leads him into a vicious cycle.


The various complaints that we all suffer from can be taken as signs that the brain is not functioning at its optimal level.

Training with NeurOptimal ® can help change that.  













  • DYS disorders :

DYS disorders are due to a deficit in central information processing: certain basic functions have not been automated. The brain is often too slow and the person has to compensate for its deficits with great efforts!

It is a neurological disorder and therefore an atypical brain function.

Neurofeedback then makes it possible to restore a balance.


There are 5 DYS disorders:

  1. DYSPHASIA = language

  2. DYSPRAXIA = planning and coordination of movements

  3. DYSLEXIA = reading and writing

  4. DYSORTHOGRAPHY = knowing how to write words correctly 

  5. DYSCALCULIA = calculate and count



























​ If you are looking for solutions for the various complaints mentioned above but also quite simply in search of well-being and letting go, do not hesitate to contact me so that we can find together the most suitable solution for your personal situation .

Neurofeedback dynamique méthode neuroptimal

"Dans mon cas le résultat a été spectaculaire dès la première séance, physiquement et moralement. Mon teint était moins grisâtre, mes cernes moins marquées, mes muscles moins tendus. L’anxiété permanente et la confusion totale dans lesquelles j’étais plongée ont commencé à reculer." Utilisatrice de NeurOptimal® sur la dépression

TROUBLES DYS, burn-out, dépression
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