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A qui s'adresse le Neurofeedback Dynamique?

Il n'y a pas d'âge pour commencer l'entraînement cérébral avec NeurOptimal®


Les familles au complet peuvent en bénéficier !


  • Les personnes qui ont du mal à se "défaire" des pensées négatives et envahissantes et pour qui la méditation est difficile, qui souffrent de maux du quotidien comme les insomnies, la perte de concentration etc...

  • Les bébés: avec difficulté de sommeil ou de pleurs récurrents peuvent en bénéficier.

  • Les enfants: qu'ils soient "turbulents" avec des troubles divers DYS, TDA ou encore TSA. (les adultes également!) 

  • Les étudiants en recherche de sérénité ou de performances intellectuelles.

  • Les artistes pour étendre leur créativité ou gagner en mémorisation de texte.

  • Les aînés afin de préserver leur capacité cognitive ou se prémunir des maladies neuro-dégénératives.

Do you carry out an evaluation during the 1st meeting?

As Dynamic neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, there is no need for specific assessment or diagnosis.

The NeurOptimal (r) software will work the same for everyone, it is designed to work optimally whether you are seeking physical, emotional or mental change.

This approach naturally improves most complaints, regardless of their source.


    Instead of targeting specific symptoms, NeurOptimal ® focuses on optimizing the       overall brain function.


Your brain decides which area of discomfort it wants to improve first!  


However, we will have an important discussion on your needs, your expectations, your daily challenges and what you would like to improve in your life.


"Request  How many  of  sessions  I would need it  like  ask how much  courses  of Yoga I will have to  to do ?

It's a lifestyle! "


Samantha Theoret, CEO of NeurOptimal ®

How many sessions? 
are to be expected

It will not be possible to answer this question precisely!

Before starting the Dynamic Neurofeedback sessions you arrive with your challenges, your phobias, your anxieties, your lack of sleep and many other things ...

Remember that each brain is unique and that it is he who will decide to improve your condition according to its priority of comfort .

The comparison with the gym is in order. In the gym we train our body, in Dynamic Neurofeedback we train our brain!

Train with NeurOptimal®  is also a lifestyle , it has its place in our daily lives.

Regularity  and patient will be the keys to


Side effects to be expected? 

Good news for side effects, you won't feel any!


Fatigue may occur but nothing too severe and here is why (copyritght Zengar® Institut inc.) :


"NeurOptimal® uses 16 different targets, each of these targets working dynamically and in perfect synchronicity with the Central Nervous System.

You therefore benefit from the advantages of training on all available frequencies simultaneously. With NeurOptimal®'s unique way of working, you do NOT have the side effects of working on just one or two frequencies.

Each frequency creates a particular effect or state with which it is associated. So if you target one that will calm the brain or another that will excite it, as happens with linear neurofeedback for example, you run the danger of becoming either too calm or overexcited.

When you train with NeurOptimal®, you "surf" on different frequencies, depending on your needs. Each frequency bandwidth balances others. You will never be out of bounds, because feedback is given on the entire spectrum, moment by moment! You end up feeling alert and relaxed, and you feel both alive and serene.


séance de Neuroptimal neurofeedback dynamique

What changes will I get? 

Here is a non-exhaustive list of changes / improvements  that could occur thanks to Dynamic Neurofeedback sessions:  


  • Improved sleep

  • Positive thoughts

  • Improved DYS disorders (writing, language)

  • Resilience restored

  • Decreased stress and anxiety

  • Taking a step back - emotional distance

  • Pain management

  • Energy boost

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